RediCare to the Rescue – Lucy Looses the Itchies

July 22, 2014

My dog, Lucy, is So Happy! You have made her life soooo much better!!! She is a 10 year old terrier, and for the first time in her life, she doesn’t constantly itch.

We got her at a shelter 2 years ago and were told that her skin condition was congenital. Nothing could be done. They never named it but she scratched all night, was greasy and stank even right after a bath. (Probably oily seborrhea according to internet.)

Still, we tried. Special shampoos, expensive anti-allergy food, cortisone, antibiotics, sulfur dips — you name it. For a while we resorted to just making her wear the cone-of-shame every day so at least she wouldn’t tear up her skin.

We had pretty much given up, having exhausted our vet’s remedies, and were figuring we’d have to go to enough benadryl to keep her too sleepy to hurt herself, or something. Out of desperation, I went with my personal inclination towards natural/herbal/folk (time-tested) remedies. (My husband is an engineer and with a prejudice towards traditional medicine. I favor a balanced approach.)

You had good reviews on Amazon, I knew something about Neem, thought your Katrina story sounded promising, and took at chance that your product wouldn’t make poor Lucy worse. It worked!!!!

From the first application, her skin calmed down. She doesn’t scratch. She doesn’t even stink! It’s an effing miracle!

Oh, and btw, my teenage daughter uses the stuff nightly on her face. Says it got rid of her eczema and keeps her from breaking out.

I used it on my blotchy, dry, sun-damaged forearms and they look 5-10 years younger:) Have ordered more (and your sunscreen), as well as samples of almost everything you sample. Thank You! (Stay in business, damn it!) Chana

About Bob Root "Beaker" 0 Articles
Keys Founder & Chief Technologist. Author: Chemical-Free Skin Health® , Defining Moments

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